Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Creativity! Who decides what is good or bad?

What is creativity? I used to be floored when someone used to often use this word while discussing some important brand/marketing projects. I was totally in awe of it...i used to be kicked about it and always tried to portray that I am creative;)..very soon i realized it not about the dressing or the way we talk - it just about the right timing:). Who has laid the rules of creativity? Who decides what is a good or a bad creative? Trust me, it is all about timing and your audience. If your audience like what you deliver at that time - you are a genius.

yes i have met few 'so self acclaimed' creative people and yaaa they do look creative - tattoo, pony, beads, tote bags, chappals or stylish boots, un-matched top n bottom (attire), thick frames n so on.

But creativity is nothing to do with all these, it's about the attitude and it is backed by intelligence, facts n figures. In the actual world of marketing - you just can't throw ideas to prove your creative intelligence - it has to be backed by facts n figures. Everyone is creative in their own way but only few manage to stand out. The reason they stand out is because they have a clear vision about the execution of an idea.

The beauty is in keeping things simple. Creativity is not about jargon and hi-fi visual graphic, it is just about delivering the message or conveying your objective clearly. So don't bother so much about dressing or looking glamorous, be yourself, blast your thoughts and be confident. Rest all will fall into place by itself:).

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